
Since being part of the AAPT’s Teaching and Learning Seminar in July 2018, I’m striving to become a more learner-centered teacher.

I’m also deeply committed to making my classes as inclusive as possible. Part of this involves diversifying my syllabi. On the basis of my Bioethics syllabus, I’ve created a “Race, Disability, and Gender in Bioethics” Reading Group Blueprint for the Diversity Reading List.

I’m currently Co-Chair of the Eastern APA Teaching Hubs for 2024 and 2025.

I was Co-Chair of the AAPT Biennial Conference 2022 Programming Committee.

In the 2018–2019 academic year, I was the UNC Philosophy Department’s Teaching Assistant Coordinator. Among other things, I organized a one-day AAPT Workshop in Chapel Hill.

Courses Taught as Instructor of Record

Syllabi available on request

  • PHIL 4543/5543 Philosophy of Language (Fall 2024, OSU, offered as both an undergraduate and a graduate class)
  • PHIL 1213 Philosophies of Life (Fall 2024, OSU)
  • PHIL 4983 Knowledge and Reality (Spring 2024, OSU)
  • PHIL 3003/5003 Symbolic Logic (Spring 2024, OSU, offered as both an undergraduate and a graduate class)
  • PHIL 5373 Contemporary Epistemology (Fall 2023, OSU, graduate class)
  • PHIL 1213 Philosophies of Life (Fall 2023, OSU)
  • PHL 293 Chinese Philosophy (Spring 2023, UAB)
  • PHL 115 Contemporary Moral Issue x 2 (Spring 2023, UAB)
  • PHL 290 Ethics in High School: Service Learning (Fall 2022, UAB)
  • PHL 116 Bioethics x 2 (Fall 2022, UAB)
  • PHL 115 Contemporary Moral Issues (Spring 2022, UAB)
  • PHL 350 Philosophy of Language (Spring 2022, UAB)
  • PHL 393 Classical Chinese Philosophy (Spring 2022, UAB)
  • PHL 116 Bioethics x 3 (Fall 2021, UAB)
  • PHIL105 How to Reason and Argue: An Introduction to Critical Thinking (Summer 2020 and Spring 2021, UNC).
  • PHIL213 Asian Philosophy (Summer 2019, UNC).
  • PHIL160 Introduction to Ethics (Summer 2018, UNC).
  • PHIL165 Bioethics (Spring 2018, UNC).
  • PHIL272 The Ethics of Peace, War, and Defense (Summer 2017, UNC).

Courses Taught as Teaching Assistant

  • PHILS165 The Philosophy and Cognitive Science of Consciousness (Summer 2020, Yale).
  • PHIL155 Introduction to Mathematical Logic (Fall 2017, UNC)
  • PHIL101 Introduction to Philosophy (Fall 2016, UNC)